The Chicken Burgerer
The Chicken Burgerer is the flagship project of Chef Robo. The Chicken Burgerer is capable of assembling sandwiches, hamburgers, chickenburgers, and other foods from ingredients. The Chicken Burgerers innovative 3D-Printer inspired design is what gives it the ability to be so unique in culinary functions. Upon market launch, the Chicken Burgerer will be initially most useful to large scale food preparation companies, who can increase their efficiency by automating the assembly step in their culinary process. Visit our YouTube for technical videos
The Elevator
The Elevator was used to explore means of lifting ingredients
Summer 2022 - Completed
The Mass Translator
The Mass Translator served as an early prototype for pickup up and moving ingredients
Fall/Winter 2022, Summer 2023 - Complete
The Chicken Burgerer (prototype)
Capable of fully assembling Chicken Burgers. Not autonomous currently
Fall/Winter 2022, Summer 2024 - Complete
Design Optimization
Once all parts have undergone their initial prototyping, the Chef Robo team will begin to seek investment, meet with industry leaders, and find ways to prepare the Chicken Burgerer for official release.